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Ballet Starz

(6yrs and over)

*Add this class for only $10.00 per week!

(save $50 Term)


*This is an "add on" class price-same student must be enrolled in another class.


Stand alone price = $150 Term (10 weeks) 

Add On price = $100 Term (save $50)


(Cost $15.00-Subject to vacancies)


Discover the beautiful performing art of ballet.


Express yourself through the freedom of Modern Dance with Contemporary and Expressive styles.


Improve your dance technique through ballet class.


Become a better dancer!


Best professional experienced teachers!

What we learn

Our Contemporary Ballet Starz class is an innovative concept in the world of ballet training.

Students will discover and learn to love the art of classical ballet and modern dance through an interesting and inspiring program designed by Breakaway Dancers.


The first half of the class we study correct classical ballet technique and steps.


We then move on to Modern Contemporary and Expressive dance which is a much more free-flowing style and lets the dancer have greater self-expression through the movement of the body. Learn Modern Contemporary and Expressive steps and choreography.


Want to be a better dancer?

Doing a ballet class every week as well as your normal class, greatly improves your dance technique making you much stronger, more flexible and able to master harder dance steps.

Even many professional athletes take ballet class to improve their fitness and core strength.


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